There are many places with information about ALK Positive cancer and Lung Cancer. On this site, we have listed various sources that we have found useful.

Remember we, like many other sites, are not medical professionals and you should talk to your doctor and/or specialist about any treatment options or advice. 

We aim to update this page regularly.


There are patient and caregiver support groups on Facebook with strong links to both ALK Positive Australia and ALK Positive Inc. They are a wealth of knowledge and a great way to gain insight. 


Australian ALK Positive and ROS1

ALK Positive Worldwide

Support Groups

We are able to put you in touch with a patient/caregiver volunteer in your State/Territory if you would like to speak to someone who has first hand experience of what you are going through.

Find a fellow ALKie


There are also many support groups available through various organisations such as Cancer Council Australia, Lung Foundation Australia and Rare Cancers Australia. There are many more and we encourage you to reach out to who you feel comfortable with. 

Cancer Council Australia

Lung Foundation Australia

Rare Cancers Australia

informative links

The top links provide information specifically on ALK Positive Lung Cancer. The lower sites can be more generic on Lung Cancer but are informative.


YouTube – ALK Positive Inc


Up-to-Date – ALK Page





alk sites around the world

Whilst the ALK Positive Australia organisation is in it’s infancy, we are working to improve the amount of information available on this site.  In the meantime, several similar organisations around the world have more extensive sites established which you may find useful.


USA based – ALK Positive Inc

UK based – ALK Positive International

Europe based – ALK Positive Europe