ALK POSitive Australia inc.

ALK Positive Australia Inc. was founded by a group of ALK Positive patients and caregivers who want to reach out and help other ALK Positive people and their loved ones. We know that no one has the answers yet of “why” or “what” causes this mutation but we do know how to inhibit it. We are here to fundraise for research that will help Australian ALK positive patients and provide support, insight and tools where we can. 


If you would like to join us then please register your interest to become a member here:

Membership Application


Our charity started with three patients and their spouse caregivers.  Our greatest aim is to help other ALKies through funding research and providing education and support. 

ALK Positive Australia Inc is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC) and is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) meaning all donations in Australia are tax deductible. 

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In 2021, three Lung Cancer patients with the ALK Positive mutation and their partners shared a similar frustration. There was no easy way to donate to ALK positive research in Australia. 

Other charities exist and they are doing great work, but none of them dedicate their funds to ALK Positive research in Australia or for research which specifically only benefits Australian ALK+ patients. This is where the charity ALK Positive Australia Incorporated was born.

Another key goal of the charity is to find other “ALKies” so no one with this rare cancer feels alone. It is estimated that, in Australia alone, there are around 500 people diagnosed each year with ALK Positive Lung Cancer.  

Whilst ALK Positive Australia Inc is in it’s infancy, we hope to grow membership and governance support in the charity to allow it’s continued growth and success in the future. 

Our founding executive team are already in discussions with the USA based ALK Positive charity, Thoracic Oncology Group Australasia (TOGA), Lung Foundation Australia and International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) to not only learn about breakthrough research for ALK Positive patients but also where to deliver funds that best meet the needs of Australian ALK+ patients.  



Raise Awareness

Our aim is to raise awareness of ALK Positive cancer and provide support. ALK Positive treatment options are different to most lung cancers, such as the use of cutting edge Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (TKI’s) to keep our cancer at bay.

Raise Funds

One of our key aims is to enable Australians to make tax deductible donations specifically to ALK Positive research. There are many worthy charities in Australia, however many encompass such a large umbrella of diseases and conditions underneath them that it is difficult to get funds where we need them for our ALKies.

find answers

We have all asked the question of “why” and “how” did we get this cancer, which no-one can currently answer. We would like answers, but also to find treatment options to prolong survival or even find a cure! Through our links with leading researchers and networks with various organisations, we aim to share the knowledge we learn to help all ALKies live longer.